Chefs for Humanity is a non-profit organization dedicated to changing lives impacted by hunger and tragedy. Founded early 2005, as a response to the tsunami tragedy, by Bay Area chef Cat Cora and Patrick McDonnell, Chefs for Humanity's coalition of world-famous culinary professionals responds when disaster aid and hunger relief are needed around the world. The organization mobilizes resources to raise funds for worldwide humanitarian efforts and seeks to develop health and nutrition education programs to permanently improve the lives of those affected by hunger, malnutrition and poverty.
The first event is an eBay auction called "Jackets off our Backs." Nearly two dozen world-famous chefs, including 10 celebrity chefs from the Food Network, have donated autographed jackets. Here's your chance to get the kitchen wear of Rick Bayless, Norman Van Aken, Thomas Keller, Jacques Pepin or Elizabeth Faulkner. The chef duds will be auctioned for 10 days, beginning on September 12, with the proceeds benefiting UNICEF, the world's leading children's relief organization.
Image: Chefs for Humanity
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