I'm spending more time reading than writing these days...
I recently learned from Bea that there's now (ok it's been over a year) an Edible Boston edition. Bea, is appearing in the Spring 2007 edition with a recipe for Honey & Lemon Tea Cakes. There's some tempting images of the delights at her site. Additionally there's also a great article on Planting a Culinary Herb Garden and the Traditions of Maple Sugaring (both links in PDF).
Thailand is the largest exporter of the world's stinkiest fruit, durian. And many are not happy about this change at all. And yes, it really does smell bad, worst than a locker room after an August doubleheader. But one of the world's leading fruit experts has figured out how to breed for no odor. In Malaysian culture durians are said to be an aphrodisiac..."when durian falls the sarongs fly up", goes a Malay phrase. The dark side is that there's usually one death a year from a falling fruit. A friend from Malaysian tells me that growing up she would eat mangosteen with durian to balance out some of the effects of durian eating.
Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
And it seems that hot cross buns, or as the historical tomes say Good Friday buns, are the theme of the moment. A great history piece at the Old Foodie, another at Spitton with some luscious learnings; step-by-step instructions there; and arrestingly sharp looking ones in New Zealand and here in San Francisco Sam shares a bit from her past and notes from the present.
In Italy at this time there are many food-related Easter traditions. In the Marches region crescia, a Parmesan pepper bread is shared at the table. Food on the Food shares a family recipe yielding seven loaves! Or you may prefer the ring-shaped ciambellone which was originally more of a harvest bread but it now seen at Easter particularly in the area of Rome. There are many recipes some with limoncello another more savory. And it wouldn't be Easter without the mention of Peeps. Check out this great demonstration video class for homemade chicks from CIA. Also check out the menu via this photo essay of a California family sitting down to a Palestinian Christian Easter meal. And finally for the ambitious in the crowd how about assembling an Easter Bunny Cake,
Hi Jeanne. Thanks for the mention. I hope you are having a nice Easter.
Posted by: barbara | April 07, 2007 at 09:48 PM